24 August 2009

What's this for?

Any volunteer to teach Goku about his new tail? xD hahaha
Comments welcome!

Son Goku is an character created by Akira Toriyama.

19 August 2009

Draw 1 to get 1

I've been working on my blog's head picture for hours without luck. And finally I've found http://www.sketchswap.com/

Have you tied it? It's really simple, only white canvas and a brown pen. It's not possible to erase or change the color.

These flash program save all your traces and share it as a flash movie with someone who submit another drawing.
The main objective is to submit your drawing so you can watch other's.

Give it a try, its fun!

Yes, I know is not good at all but is the one I've been looking for!

Zum ersten Mal

Ok! Everybody has a blog nowadays... I DON'T WANT TO BE THE ONLY WITHOUT ONE!!!

Then, welcome to my miserable blog! I want to share with you something about me. Please feel free to comment.

Now what? Oh! Publish post! ;P